Only in Italy all Wiicom products benefit from the over-amortization of 250%, set up under the 2017 Budget Law.
This is a maximum increase that allows to increase the deductible cost of all the instrumental goods acquired to transform the company into a technological and digital key 4.0. This is actually investment in intelligent, interconnected machines.
Includes functional assets for the technological and / or digital transformation of businesses according to the “Industry 4.0” model and intelligent devices, instrumentation and components for integration, sensing and / or interconnecting and automatic process control used also in Modernization or revamping of existing production systems.
For devices, instrumentation and components, they are also packages and components of the plant as long as they ensure that the modernized machine or plant complies, with the modernization, the mandatory features and additional features.
In short, all Wiicom products, having these features and if used for Factory 4.0, benefit from the depreciation charge, which results in a reduction in their cost.